Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Group Meeting Post #2


  1. Group meeting #2 notes
    1. The characters are drawn from the fact that mary Lou is on vacation.
    2. The author, so far has only shown one side of the characters, either good or bad. Mary Lou is the only one were you get the full picture.
    3. Most characters are becoming three dimensional except Alex, he remains perfect in every way.
    4. Character development does occur, through different events we learn more about the character.
    5. We hear about the character from Mary Lou's point of view. So they might be skewed a little bit.

    1. The main themes are: Alex, Death, Money, Beth Anne and Derek the Diviiiinnnne.
    2. When something happens Mary Lou shares her view on it.
    3. The theme is fairly Traditional (girl and boy)
    4. The theme is mostly psychological and entertaining

    1. Introduction of the plot is good and the suspense is pretty good when there is some but it doesn't occur too often.
    2. The more you understand the plot the more you understand the characters.
    3. Accident has been very good for Mary Lou and Alex because if they accidently touch or something they may carry through with it, but for other things it can sometimes lead to disaster.
    4. There is a certain element of mystery surrounding the money that Carl Ray got.
    5. Mary Lou solves her problems by thinking them out and planning them carefully.
    6. Beth Anne and Derek the diivvvine are a sub plot, you follow around what's happening to them but it's not as important as Mary Lou.
    7. The plot is secondary to the style of writing, in the book's uniqueness.

    1. The setting is summer in the city, and it plays an important role in Alex and Mary Lou's relationship because the setting is not always romantic, which the book discusses is sometimes good.
    2. The atmosphere is tense.
    3. The setting does have an effect on how the characters act, for instance Mary Lou's house (crowded)
